
Conversations with the doers and thinkers at the forefront of biotech and materials science.

Talking Biotech · episode 435

Development of Biotech Partnerships

Talking Biotech · episode 425

Temporary Hiatus, Changes Coming!

Talking Biotech · episode 398

Telling Science's Story - Sam Kean

Talking Biotech · episode 380

Stopping Long-Term Disease by Arresting Aging - Dr. Eric Morgen

Aging is a normal developmental program that involves discrete expression of specific genes leading to particular physiological changes.

Talking Biotech · episode 379

The Risks of Manufactured Viruses - Dr. Kevin Esvelt

Can biotechnology be used in malevolent ways? The simple and inexpensive ways to generate genetic material make creating viruses easier than ever.

Talking Biotech · episode 378

Biotech Fetal Diagnostics - Daniel Weisman

How is biotechnology used to make predictions about fetal health conditions? Modern techniques can analyze DNA without invasive sampling, and a lot may be learned about fetal health from a mother's blood test.

Talking Biotech · episode 377

Brexit May Bring Gene Editing to the UK- Cameron English

Brexit saw the UK step away from the European Union, with many economics and social repercussions. However, this change also brings scientific benefit, as the UK no longer has to function under the EU's regressive scientific regulatory hand.

Talking Biotech · episode 376

Releasing the Biotech Blight Resistant Chestnut - Erik Carlson

The American chestnut was a dominant tree in many of the forests of the eastern United States. In the early 20th century an imported fungus spread quickly through the population, destroying trees across the range.

Talking Biotech · episode 375

New Cancer Drugs: Breaking the Cell Cycle -- Spiro Rombotis

The cell cycle is a coordinated series of steps that cells follow during replication. Defects in cancer cells target or override these chemical constraints in proliferation.

Talking Biotech · episode 374

374 Bioengineering Yeast for Better Beer - Dr. Charles Denby

Beer is a beverage derived from the interplay of chemistry within hops and grains, fermented by brewer's yeast.

Talking Biotech · episode 373

Genes Controlling Plant Size

Plant stature is a surprisingly important trait. Growing short has its advantages, so understanding the genetic controls is important.

Talking Biotech · episode 372

As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age - Matthew Cobb

Just because we can, does it mean that we should? Technology is developing so fast and enables so many new opportunities, but is there reason to occasionally pause and consider broader implications? Prof.

Talking Biotech · episode 371

The Genomes of Parasites - Dr. Jessie Kissinger

Parasites are a massive threat to human and animal health, underlying a significant number of important diseases.

Talking Biotech · episode 370

Cancer Misinformation - Dr. Skyler Johnson

As lifespan increases due to prevention and treatment of infectious disease and heart disorders, long-term issues like cancer become more prevalent.

Talking Biotech · episode 369

Livestock, Climate Change, and Attacks on a Scientist - Dr. Frank Mitloehner

Dr. Frank Mitloener is an expert in the contributions of livestock to climate change. He is a researcher that studies ways to mitigate the greenhouse gases from ruminant digestion, and a trusted expert in outreach to ensure the implementation of new strategies.

Talking Biotech · episode 368

A Gene-Edited Vaccine Against Malaria - Dr. Stefan Kappe

Malaria is a deadly, mosquito-vectored disease in areas of the Developing World. Intensive efforts have resulted in few effective prophylactic or therapeutic practices or products that are without serious limitations.

Talking Biotech · episode 367

Seralini's Lumpy Rats - Ten Years Later

Ten years ago a scientific paper claimed definitive evidence linking genetic engineering to tumors. The study by Giles-Eric Seralini and his team at CRIIGEN stunned the world, and it was amplified through social and traditional media.

Talking Biotech · episode 366

New Therapeutics for Novel Problems through Collaboration - Dr. Betsy O'neill

How can collaboration bring new technology to those that need it, faster? Dr. Linda O'Neill, VP of External Innovation at Horizon Therapeutics describes how strategic partnerships can speed the development and deployment of new therapeutics, particularly for autoimmune disorders and potential treatments for rare disease.

Talking Biotech · episode 365

The Long COVID HERV Connection - Dr. Claudia Matteucci

Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are ancient viruses found in our genomes, remnants of long-past infections.

Talking Biotech · episode 364

Purple Tomatoes and Health - Dr. Cathie Martin

The purple compounds in fruits and vegetables associate with the perception of health and flavor. Prof.

Talking Biotech · episode 363

Rapid Detection of Sexually Transmitted Infections with Microfluidics - Dr. Anna Dixon

Sexually transmitted infections, once thought to be low frequency events, are staging a comeback. Dr.

Talking Biotech · episode 362

The Gut-Brain Axis: What it is, associated problems and new therapies. Nancy Thornberry

Research is showing a more intimate association between the digestive system and the brain, a bi-directional sensing and signaling network that directs digestive physiology.

Talking Biotech · episode 361

Precision Insect Control with Gene Editing

Insects inflict tremendous human casualty and massive losses in agriculture. For more than half a century Sterile Insect Technique has been implemented to crash invasive or dangerous populations by damaging insect genetics and releasing them into target populations.

Talking Biotech · episode 360

Update on Animal Gene Editing

Amazing innovations in animal gene editing have the promise to streamline agriculture, with benefits for agricultural producers, consumers and the environment.

Talking Biotech · episode 359

Creating Targeted Antibodies in Single Cells

Antibodies are one line of adaptive immune response, responding to new antigens that may represent threats.

Talking Biotech · episode 358

Extending Health and Life, Starting with Dogs

Dogs are an excellent model to study the genetics and mechanisms of aging. Loyal CEO Celine Halioua describes how genetic variation between breeds leads to specific effects on lifespan and "healthspan", and how new therapeutics might enrich and extend their lives.

Talking Biotech · episode 357

Optimizing Animal Microbiomes

The microbiome is a population of bacteria, fungi, protists and viruses that inhabit a specific environment.

Talking Biotech · episode 356

Glyphosate in Breast Milk? Eco-Modernism

This episode has two parts. In the first part lactation specialist Dr. Shelley McGuire discusses the new paper that claims to have found glyphosate in breast milk.

Talking Biotech · episode 355

Stool-Based Detection of Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most deadly cancers in the industrialized world. However, dangerous malignancies occur after multiple committed genetic steps at the cellular level that happen over years.

Talking Biotech · episode 354

Microalgae: Factories for Improved Polymers

Modern life has benefitted from the development of polymers that can be fashioned into everything from car parts, to children's toys, to medical devices.

Talking Biotech · episode 353

CAR-T Therapies to Reverse Cardiac Fibrosis

Injury to heart tissue results in non-functional scar tissue that compromises cardiac function. A new approach combines targeted lipid nanoparicles and mRNAs to reprogram immune cells to seek and destroy the pathogenic fibroblasts that limit heart function.

Talking Biotech · episode 352

352 - Prions and Chronic Wasting Disease

Chronic wasting disease is an increasingly common prion-based disease of deer and other cervids. Dr. Sandra Pritzkow describes the disease, it's transmission, and efforts to mitigate its spread.

Talking Biotech · episode 351

351 - Biotech, Pesticides, Toxicology and Food

There is abundant conversation about pesticides and food, especially in social media. Unfortunately, there is little understanding about regulation, dosage, tolerances and toxicity.

Talking Biotech · episode 350

Methylation of DNA, Relationship to Disease

Methylation is the addition of a small methyl group to specific bases of the DNA helix. Addition of a methyl group can change how the DNA blueprint is accessed and expressed.

Talking Biotech · episode 349

Addressing the Issue of Scientific Reproducibility

Trust in science is predicated on independent reproducibility of research results. Perceived breakdowns in reproducibility have gained much recent attention, and it is up to the scientific community to devise new mechanisms to help ensure methods and results are complete and transparent.

Talking Biotech · episode 348

The Human Protein Atlas

Proteins are the central catalytic and structural components of cells, and ultimately are at the center of cellular function.

Talking Biotech · episode 347

New Drugs that Repair Broken Genes

Many diseases do not have cures, yet have a foundation in deleterious genomic mutations. Dietrich Stephan of NewBase describes a novel custom drug design platform that shows amazing potential in animal models, and seeks to directly reverse currently untreatable disease.

Talking Biotech · episode 346

An Owner's Manual for Your Brain

In the age of an internet full of false information, how do we tell the real from the fictitious? Jon Guy introduces his new book, Thinking Straight- an owner's manual to the mind.

Talking Biotech · episode 345

Update on Self-Limiting Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are the world's most deadly insect, vectoring dozens of bloodborne diseases. Oxitec has been revising "sterile insect" techniques classically used in mosquito control with modern technologies that are more precise.

Talking Biotech · episode 344

New Drugs Targeting Dangerous Cholesterol

Specific modifications of cholesterol appear to be central in heart disease, stroke and other disorders.

Talking Biotech · episode 343

Breeding the Next Amazing Apple

Apples are a fruit favorite. What are modern breeders doing to create the next generation of superior fruits, that offer flavors for consumers and sustainability traits for farmers? Dr.


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